As the date approaches for Electric Forest 2014, festival-goers should be in the process of prepping for what’s needed to make this electric experience the best ever! One thing that should always be on attendees’ minds when prepping is “going green.” Going green can refer to buying recyclable products to mastering methods of disposing waste while on-site, to simply being economical when gathering goods you’ll need at Electric Forest.
A common mistake made before going to festivals is over-packing, and, buying items that are not truly needed or purchasing items you may already have (or maybe even a festi-friend I’m traveling with already has). Not overdoing it can also save you money you may wish you had on the last day of a festival, too! Recommendation: get a list going with whom you’re traveling with to figure out what gear you already have and what you still need.
After you make “the list,” set a budget and wrangle your buddies to go to a store that has everything from food to camping equipment. If you happen to have someone in your group that has a membership to a store like Cost Co., grab that person and let them ride shotgun because stores selling in bulk have it all (and it’s cost effective, too!).
When shopping, try to visualize each item’s use to determine if it’s a must on your trip. Although things like water balloons and party items are fun, they can leave quite a mess behind. More of a mess means more work for those volunteering; and in terms of going green, being mindful of these things will help keep Electric Forest’s environment beautiful as always.
Once you complete the preparation stage of your journey to Electric Forest, pack your vehicles as crafty as possible while making sure you leave a space for the drive to see through the rear-view mirror. Police will be out in the masses to help protect everyone’s safety that weekend; one common infraction they will be looking for are drivers that are in violation of obstruction of view (meaning there should not be anything blocking the driver’s blind spots and the rear view mirror). Simple solution: don’t build towers of supplies that block the windows!
Finally, when you arrive at the Double JJ Ranch in Rothbury, Michigan, put on your recycling cap on and prepare to dispose of all your waste in the proper place throughout the entire weekend. Going green while on-site at Electric Forest will not only help Mother Nature and those that are there to help preserve the festival grounds, but it also be help you become a more responsible person, and, it will set a good example for others around you.
Below is video produced by the good people at Electric Forest to help guide festival-goers when preparing for this year’s extravaganza and to help show you how to go green while enjoying the electric magic of The Forest.