Ra Ra Riot and Cayucas @ Headliner’s Review – 10/2/13

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On October 2nd, Cayucas and Ra Ra Riot made Headliner’s their home for the night following huge radio and show support from WFPK, the public rock station in Louisville (which is 91.9 on the dial if you’re ever in town).

Cayucas came out with their reverb drenched vocals and sunshine musical behavior to open the show. Listening to them play is like standing out in the sunshine. The lyrics aren’t always as bright and cheery but this four man group knows how to make it sound like there isn’t a cloud in the sky. They started out a bit nervous, probably due to the fact that with the WFPK support this was a well attended show for a Tuesday, but once the first songs were laid down they fell into their groove and it is quite a groove. If you have had the pleasure of seeing their music videos for High School Lover and Cuyucos then you know what I’m talking about. Straightforward and to the point, these California guys represent their state well.

Now Ra Ra Riot was a bit of a mystery to me. I’ve heard their songs before but I was caught with one foot off the merry-go-round when the six members took the stage. Consisting of a vocalist, guitarist, bassist, violinist, cellist and drummer (and yeah the combination is awesome) they brought a hell of a lot more diverse sound on stage then I had ever heard. On top of the quality of sound their stage presence screamed of experience and craftsmanship. This wasn’t any of their first rodeos. High marks to both of these bands for filling a normally three band line up with only two and killing it.

This is a show that you want to go to but only if you like having a good time. I also think that if you just found yourself a honey and you really, really want to go to a concert that this is the perfect first one. Even if you’re single or dating for awhile, I still prescribe the same advice. Are you going to find some philosophical break through at this show? I doubt it (but hope so) but you are going to have an utterly fantastic time and you’ll find your whatever cover cost well spent.